John is a certified Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher.
Iyengar yoga is for every age, body type, and fitness level.
It is a complete system for balancing the mind, body and spirit.
Iyengar yoga is named after BKS Iyengar who devoted his entire lifetime to the study and practice of yoga. Iyengar Yoga is grounded in the ancient Indian tradition and philosophy of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

Patanjali statues available in Iyengar Yoga Shop
BKS Iyengar developed a teaching method which means that all certified Iyengar teachers are highly qualified and rigorously trained, with a deep commitment to excellence in teaching.

BKS Iyengar is the author of “Light of Yoga” and other books which are regarded as definitive guides to yoga practice.
John has a collection of rare and current editions of these books available in the Iyengar yoga shop