01242 222356 | 07876 194942 john.yogaworks@gmail.com

October 2023

There are 2 workshops this month: Saturday 21st October: Rope workshop at the studio 9 Suffolk Square 9:30-11:30am (contact me book in advance) Sunday 22nd October: Restorative & Pranayama workshop at Leckhampton Village Hall 9:30-11:30am  ...

September update

I am away from September 2nd – September 9th, and classes will resume on Sunday 10th September If anyone is interested in starting yoga on Wednesday evenings, classes will start on Wednesday 13th September at Bethesda Methodist Church: 6-7pm and 7:15-8:15pm. ...

August updates

NO CLASSES WEDNESDAY AUGUST 2ND – SUNDAY AUGUST 13TH Classes resume MONDAY AUGUST 14th   Wednesday evening classes at Bethesda Church Hall have finished for the summer. Next workshop Saturday 23rd September at Leckhampton Village Hall 9:30 – 11:30am No...

Updates May 2023

The next workshop is Saturday 21st May at Leckhampton Village Hall.  June workshop Saturday 24th June at Leckhampton Village Hall.  All online Zoom classes have been extended to 75 minutes – the cost is £15 Online classes will continue on Sunday – Thursday...

March updates

No live classes Monday 13th March, Tuesday 14th March & Wednesday 15th March There will be online Classes on the following dates: cost £15  Sunday 12th March 9:30-10:45am Monday 13th March 9:30-10:45am Tuesday 14th March 9:30-10:45am Wednesday 15th March...

February Workshop

The next monthly workshop is on Saturday 25th February at Leckhampton Village Hall. There is no online class on Sunday 26th February. No live classes between March 9-19th during Race Week. Classes will be online details coming soon. Upcoming monthly workshops:...