01242 222356 | 07876 194942 john.yogaworks@gmail.com

March / April schedule

Over Easter the schedule will be as follows: Sunday 31st March – no class Monday 1st March – no morning class in the studio, evening classes at the Wheatsheaf will run as normal Tuesday 2nd April – no classes Wednesday 3rd April – no classes...

Upcoming dates

The next workshop will be on Saturday April 13th at Leckhampton Village Hall 9:30-11:30am No class online Sunday February 25th, Thursday 7th March, Sunday 10 March. No live classes at the Wheatsheaf, Holy Apostles and Bethesda  during Race week (March 11-15)  ...

Updates for November / December 2023

The live classes will finish for the Christmas break on: Wheatsheaf: Monday December 11th Holy Apostles: Tuesday December 12th Bethesda: Wednesday December 13th Live classes start back in January 2024: Wheatsheaf: Monday January 8th Holy Apostles: Tuesday January 9th...